A Lexical Criticism of Translation of the Qur'an in Persian

Document Type : Original Article



The existence of multi-meaning and homonymous words in every language makes the texts hard to understand. Since the Qur'an is revealed in human language, the existence of such words in it is inevitable. In the past, the Qur'an researchers would examine these kinds of Qur'anic words under the rubrics of aspects and homologues (wujūh wa naẓā’ir) and homonyms. In modern linguistics, the lingual and paralinguistic context is taken into consideration for identifying a homonymous or multi-meaning word. First, in this article, the role of context in giving a meaning to the word from the linguistic viewpoint is dealt with. Then, the two homonyms of "bishāra" and "ighwā" are studied in more than ten Persian translations of the Qur'an in order to evaluate thereby the accuracy of the translators in realizing the role of context in the meaning of a word.