An Investigation of the Relations of Moral Values A Step towards Discovering Moral Systems of the Qurān

Document Type : Original Article



Given the Qurānic teachings are divided into diverse subjects and pivots, undoubtedly its moral teachings are placed among the most important subjects and at least it should be admitted that if the revelation cosmology could be considered as the roots and foundations of the Qurānic knowledge whose branches are the ordinances of the law, the moral teachings would be the fruits and outcomes of good tree. However, it is for a long time that this question has been brought up among the Muslim intellects that if the Qurānic teachings enjoy a logical and coherent structure whose parts and elements are supported by a systematic thought and attitude pillars or if it includes incoherent and fragmented advice which does not possess a consistent basis and a relevant and systematic structure. Consequently, can any strong and meaningful tie be identified among them? Hence, the distinctiveness and advantage of moral teachings of Islam compared with other scientific-moral schools of thought is reliant upon knowing and discovering the Islamic moral system. This research has scrutinized and investigated discovering the relation between the moral values as the primary and important step in knowing the Islamic moral system as also stated in the Qurānic verses which have been mentioned as an introduction to this issue in this paper.