A New Theory on the Literal Meaning and Revelation of the Qurān

Document Type : Original Article


One of the most important issues in the Qurānic science, which is rooted in the Prophet and Ahlolbayts’ (the People of the House) traditions, is the issue of esoteric vs. external aspects of the Qurān. So far, many scholars have discussed the intent of the interior and esoteric interpretation of the Qurān and have introduced criteria for telling the exterior of the Holy Book from its interior. Usually the researchers have offered similar close interpretations for the terms revelation and exterior of the Qurān, idiomatic vs. literal meanings of the Qurān, the issues for which the Qurān has been revealed, exegesis and context of situation, adopting the verses of the Qurān to the natural referents and phenomena, and some other close meanings. Contrary to the present trend among researchers, the author of this paper attempted to solve the problem of drawing distinction between the exterior and interior meanings of the Qurān. The achievement of this research is to prove that every meaning the first audiences of the Prophet have grasped from the verses and learnt has been the esoteric interpretation and revelation of the Qurān and any other meaning beyond which the same spirit of revelation and understanding the first audiences of the Qurān conceived is taken by other audience either in the time of the Prophet or after that would be the interior and interpretation of the Divine Book. Undoubtedly, the register and atmosphere of revelation is the most important context of knowing the external meaning and revelation of the Qurān.
