A Critique of the Translation of the Verbal-Semantic Structure of Āyat al-Kursī in the Persian Translations

Document Type : Original Article



Verses 255-257 of Sūrat al-Baqara, also known as āyat al-kursī, has turned into one of the most frequently used and most outstanding verses of the Qur’ān with the Muslims due to the multiplicity of its readings (qarā’a) and numerous traditions in the sources of both Sunnī and Shī‘a, thus demanding special attention. With a methodological approach, this article has critically examined eight famous Persian translations of āyat al-kursī done after the Islamic Revolution. The accurate examination of these translations has made the writer draw the conclusion that none of these translators have presented an accurate translation for these three verses and each one of them has had some errors in the translation of some phrases. Most errors of the translators have been made in translation of the words qayyūm, kursī, and ṭāghūt. The etymological approach in determining the exact meaning of these words is very helpful and can be efficient in the systematic critique of the existing translations, and even if it does not give a definite response to this type of problems, it may at least reduce the ambiguities involved in translation and provide considerable critique tools for clarifying the borders of the strength and weakness of the translator’s work. Using valid interpretations and critical review of translations, in this writing, the errors are expressed and a more accurate translation is given for each phrase of these verses.