An Answer to the Misconception of Applying the Title “Aaron’s Sister” to Mary in the Holy Qur’ān

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate professor of Arabic Literature in The University of Lorestan

2 student of Lorestan University


In āya 28 of the blessed Sūrat Maryam, the Holy Qur’ān has, in the words of Holy Maryam’s people, addressed her Yā Ukht-i Hārūn (O sister of Aaron!). This issue has been objected to from the very beginning by the Christians and the opponents of the Qur’ān; because no historical sanad has definitely mentioned that Holy Maryam has had a brother named Aaron and if what is meant by Aaron is the Moses’ (A.S.) brother, there is another objection raised as to their being historically almost six centuries distant in time. Interpreters have tried to answer this objection in different ways, but none of the answers are fully convincing. By re-examining the answer that the Prophet (S.A.W.) has briefly given to this objection and relying on the fact that among these peoples a person would have been summoned by the name of the pious and the Prophets, we have tried in this article to find another answer and have finally concluded that Ukht-i Hārūn among the Jews is a nickname with a structure similar to a title of honor for “Maryam”.