Study of the Verses on Driving Away the Evils with Meteors

Document Type : Original Article



The Qur’ān’s verses of meteors are among the challenging verses concerning the Qur’ān and astronomy. The interpreters have provided various views in this respect. Most of the earlier interpreters regard the apparent meanings of these verses that include the evils’ eavesdropping and driving them away with meteors as a referent to these verses; whereas, the contemporary interpreters who have encountered newer misconceptions and questions in this respect, have more chosen the way of ta’wīl (allegorical interpretation) and some have also failed to comment. Nevertheless, it seems that the above-mentioned ta’wīls do not have strong evidences and are not worth referring to. On the other hand, by delving into these verses and through employing another part of the Qur’ān and traditions, newer points can be found concerning its semantic reappraisal, so as to maintain a more efficient role for heaven and its masses in dispersing the evils. Thus, along abiding by the apparent meaning of the Qur’ān and needlessness of unacceptable ta’wīls, all the misconceptions related to this notion would also be answered.