Benefits of the Consistency of Āyas in View of the Proponents and Opponents

Document Type : Original Article



Many interpreters and Qur’ān researchers from earlier times to the present have taken the interrelatedness of āyas as granted and have made great attempts in setting up relations among the āyas of the Qur’ān. Although not speaking explicitly of the benefits of the consistency of āyas and do not name in detail the benefits of relation, the above group obviously pursue specific benefits by bringing up the issue of the consistency and maintaining relations among āyas. Some of those benefits are measurement of exegetical viewpoints, the āyas literature, disproving the distortion of the Qur’ān, uncovering beliefs and opinions, removing doubts concerning the sanctuary of the Qur’ān, logical arrangement of the āyas, comprehension of the theological concepts and so forth. In contrast to this group, some do not believe in the essence of consistency and do not approve the usefulness of relation among the āyas. On this basis, the present writing enumerates the benefits that the first group can bring up for the consistency issue and then states the deliberations that the second group may have concerning those benefits.