The Qur’an, Right to Live, and the Existing Challenges

Document Type : Original Article



Right to live is among the basic rights or the most basic right of man, which is his main asset and the great Divine blessing for him. The definition of this important concept in philosophy and biology, as well as its beginning and end, has been the subject of debate and a challenge for the biologists and philosophers; religious lawyers and the interpreters of the Qur’an have commented on it, too. The Qur’an has pointed out two lives for man, the physical and the spiritual. This writing has dealt with man’s right in his physical life; has examined the Qur’an’s practical ways in preventing the violation of this right, which are legalized in the form of legal punishments. It has also compared these punishments with those stated in the articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Further on, infanticide and abortion are examined from the viewpoint of the Qur’an and the rules of human rights. Finally, criminal penalties such as the right to retaliate, capital punishment for the heretics and the rebels that are criticized by some as challenges against the right to live are analyzed.