A Critique on “the Qur’an and Pluralism”

Document Type : Original Article



This article has cast a critical glance at the book “the Qur’an and Pluralism”. The book includes three sections from which one section is selected to be discussed in this article and the Qur’anic evidences of religious exclusiveness referred to in the above book are also criticized.
The most important evidences reviewed are as follows: the verse of covenance; guardianship and abrogativeness of the Qur’an; universality of the Qur’an; the Qur’anic descriptions; the good tidings of the Testaments on the Revelation of the Qur’an; calling the people of the Scripture to Islam; the requirement of Islam for the guidance of the people of the Scripture; acceptability of other doctrines; excommunication of the people of the Scripture; prohibition of heresy; wrathful addressing of deniers of the Qur’an; promise of dominance over other religions by Islam; and the issue of the Torah and the Gospel as being distorted. In each of the above topics, its evidence to religious exclusiveness is reviewed.