The Essence of the Religions in View of the Qur’an

Document Type : Original Article



In this article, the writer deals with the essence of monotheistic religions from the viewpoint of the Qur’an. In this regard, he first explains the term “essence” (gawhar) and its difference with “quintessence” (dhati), and then points out four ways to attain the essence of the religions: 1. Religious texts, 2.The structure of doctrines’ system, 3. The culture of the religionists, and 4. Their behavior.
The second part of this writing deals with the existing viewpoints on the essence of religion which are divided in two groups: Man-centered, and Effect-centered. Criticizing the existing viewpoints, the writer examines the viewpoint of the Qur’an and states that all religions are monotheistic in essence. He also names several categories of the epistemological and historical verses of the Qur’an accordingly. In the end, he touches upon the role of the Oneness of religions’ essence, and emphasizes the positive impact of the unity of religions on peaceful coexistence of their followers. He believes, however, that the rightfulness of religions and their being redemptive due to their oneness of essence has been negated.