The Qur’an and Religious Pluralism-its Foundations, Backgrounds, and Motivations

Document Type : Original Article



In this article, religious pluralism from the viewpoint of the Qur’an is discussed. First, the writer gives a definition of pluralism and then gives a brief account of its history. Next, he points out some epistemological and social backgrounds of its emergence such as: malfunction of the churches, epistemological insufficiency of Christianity, crises and tensions in relations among various religions, political liberalism, transformation of the world into a single village, prevalence of heretical ways of thinking, decline of spirituality in the West, and familiarization of the people of the Book with the rightfulness of Islamic doctrines.
In another part of the article, motivations of bringing up the theory of religious pluralism is pointed out and in the end the following seven foundations of religious pluralism are reviewed: 1. The unity of essence in religions, 2. Equality of proofs, 3. Inaccessibility of reality by intellect, 4. Temporality of religious doctrines, 5. Cultural relativity, 6. Inclusiveness of Divine Grace and Guidance, 7. Plurality of religious understanding