Revealed Religions and Interfaith Dialog

Document Type : Original Article



A question is raised in this article as to whether there are enough commonalties between the Qur’an and the Testaments on the basis of which a dialog can be carried out between the followers of the two faiths. Also, on the basis of a scientific-comparative Method commonalties of the Qur’ an, the Torah, and the Gospel are explored. It is then tried to prove that in the issues such as Prophethood, Miracles, Infallibility, Moses as being the Interlocutor” of Allah, his appointed time (miqaat) and receiving of the Tablets, Jesus as the Word of Allah, Revelation and its being redemptive, commonalties are greater in number than discrepancies, and that dialogs among different religions must be initiated on the basis of such commonalties in order to attain a better understanding of each other’s opinions, and thus a fundamental recognition of doctrines of religions as well as a deeper understanding among their followers would be achieved, paving the way for a peaceful coexistence among them.