Allama Tabrisi’s Especial Viewpoints

Document Type : Original Article



The author in this article, first introduces Tabrisi and his tafsirs and makes a comparison between “Majma’ al-Bayan” and his contemporary tafsirs such as “Al-Tibyan” of Shaykh Tusi and “Rawz al-Janan” of Abu al-Futuh Razi and proceeds to points out Shaykh Tusi’s special viewpoints on science of usul, fiqh, lugha, and kalam. Also analyzes in each field several cases, using discussions in “Majma’ al-Bayan”. These specific viewpoints are on the following axes:
Use of wording in most aspects of a single meaning, authority and non-authority of concepts, necessity of having one single husband for a woman in order to milk two children to make them legally mahram (like siblings), the right to execute blood revenge by the claimant of blood, synonymity in words, division of sins into great and small, infallibility of the Prophet and the abrogation of recitation