Illusory Narrations in Majma’ al-Bayan

Document Type : Original Article



Having deliberated on and delved into tafsirs of Tabari, Shaykh Tusi’s “Tibyan” as well as “Majma’ al-Bayan”, the writer concludes that due to the flaws made by the copyists of “Tafsir Tibyan” some mistakes have entered into “Majma’ al-Bayan”. For instance, Shaykh Tusi has quoted in some cases words or viewpoints from Abu Ja’far who had meant to be Abu Ja’far Tabrisi, the well-known interpreter. But some copyists of “Tafsir Tibyan”, supposing him as Abu Ja’far Baqir (A.S.), the fifth Imam of the Shi’ites, have added “’Alayhissalam” to his name. Therefore Tabrisi has presumed the narrations as belonging to Imam Baqir (A.S.) and attributed them to him. Thus, illusory narrations have come up and found their way into later interpretations such as “Nur al-Thaqalayn” and “Al-Mizan”. In this article, fifteen items of such flaws are exposed in details.