An Introduction to Structural Interpretation of the Qur’an

Document Type : Original Article



In this article, the topic “ The Integrity of Purpose in the Chapters of the Qur’an” is touched upon. The writer has first presented a definition of the topic and then dealt with the outcome of the theory of “Integrity of Purpose” in various aspects of understanding and defense of the Qur’an and points out eight outcomes in this relation as follows: 1.Confrontation with the doubts developed by orientalists, 2. Quick and easy familiarization with the concepts of the Qur’an, 3. Dissolution of the exegetical discrepancies, 4. Familiarization with the way religious knowledge is brought up in the Qur’an, 5. Listing of the chapters, 6. Recognition of the fabricated revelation occasions, 7. Definition of the meaning of “Bismi’llah” in each Qur’anic chapter, 8. The consistent translation of the Qur’an. Then, the reasons of the proponents and opponents of the theory “Integrity of Purpose” are dealt with, and the reasons of the opponents are criticized. The next part of the article is dedicated to stating the ways of discovering the purposes of the chapters. In this regard, the writer mentions eight methods: 1. Context of the chapters. 2. Names of the chapters, 3. The opening and the ending verses, 4. Revelation occasions of the verses and the chapters, 5. Meccan and Medinan chapters, 6. The Beautiful Names of Allah, 7. Huroof-e-Muqatta’I (separated letters used at the opening of certain chapters), 8. The Qur’anic stories. After that, various styles of demonstrating the structures of chapters are discussed, and six styles are brought up as follows: 1. Content diagram style, 2. Content report style, 3. Tree diagram style, 4. Argumentative style, 5. Brief report style, 6. Detailed style. In the end, upon explaining and interpreting each of the above styles, the writer presents a practical example of the interpretation of the chapter “al-Qalam” on the bases of “detailed style”.