Women's Personality and Role in Life from the Viewpoint of the Qur'an

Document Type : Original Article



Learning about women's identity and nature through the Qur'an and comparing them with man, the writer proceeds to a review of personality patterns of Maryam (Mary), Bilqis (the Queen of Seba) and Asiyah (Pharaoh's wife), and studies, in the light of the Qur'an, the common elements in  man's and woman's presonality as commonalities of genuine human personality.
Further more, he analyzes some injunctions which seem incompatible with the above fact, such as women's less share in inheritance and the authority of man over woman. Then, sketching the personality foundation of women as viewed by the Qur'an, he asserts that categories like weakness of women, mandate of Hijab, and prohibition of association with men will by no means hinder woman's moderate developing within her human personality and playing an active role in cultural, social, and political responsibilities.