A New Glance at the Hijab

Document Type : Original Article



In this article, the writer attempts to examine the Hijab in the present era. In this line, first a special definition for Hijab is presented, and then Muslim women's motivation for observing Hijab as well as apprehension therein is touched upon.
Other part of this article include: The impact of Hijab on preventing the emergence of negative approaches in social relations such as increase of the age for marriage, causes of unveiledness such as advertisement, development of mixed-sex entertainment centers, association of freedom with unveiledness, unfamiliarity of Muslim women with full Islamic Hijab, etc. as well as deceits by enemies of Islam in promotion of unveildness, the nudity culture, and techniques for promotion of Hijab in the Islamic community. These topics have been reviewed in details utilizing the Qur'anic doctrines.