Semantic Field of Velayat in the Qur'an and Nahj ul-Balagha

Document Type : Original Article



If the term "velayat" is an emotional and friendly category, so also the velayat of Ali(a.s) , Which is confirmed in the Qur'an and hadiths, means That Ali(a.s) is a friend to the believers. However, if it is a term related to political and social Ma'arif , the verses and hadiths introducing Ali(a.s) as a vali and mawla, have indeed described and determined him in terms of governorship. Following up the semantic field verses of "velayat" , the writer views this term as a key word among such important vocabulary as: subordination, obedience, guidance, misguidance, the party of Allah, the party of satan, jihad in the way of Allah, and warfare in the way of taghut (despotism), delineating its relation to the above terms in a chart form.