A Glance at Sayyid Razi's "Haqa'iq al-Ta'wil"

Document Type : Original Article



"Haqa'iq al-Ta'wil fi Mutishabih al - Tanzil" , is a tafsir by Sayyid Razi, the compiler of Nahj ul - Balaghah, and a well - known Shi'a author in fourth and fifth centuries A.H., which is now available in an nicomplete form, which consists of only a small part of the entire book.
The article, takes into consideration the features of this Tafsir and sayyid Razi's exegetical method and style, pointing out in details and with reference to examples from the book, his viewpoints on the uneqivocal and the ambiguous verses, interpretation of the Qur'an through the Qor'an, the status of intellect and personal effort-ijtahad- in Tafair, and the use of literature and narration.