The Exterior and the Interior of the Qur'an

Document Type : Original Article



The following issues are discussed in this article:
1. The historical grounds of the exterior (zahr) and the interior (batn) ot the Qur'an. In this part , some researchers of the Qur'an who claim that the issue of the exterior and the interior are fabricated by Sh'as are reviewed and critcized.
2. The outlook of the Qur'an on the issue of the exterior and the interior. This part has also made use of hadiths in this connection.
3. The interpretation (tafsir) of the interiors in the era of the revelation. In this part , the reasons for limitation of tafsir to explanation of the external meanings in the era of the revelation are pointed out and demonstrated that in that era tafsir was also carried out for some elites.
4. development of tafsir on the interiors.
5. Prerequisites for belief in the interiors of the Qur'an, which include: comprehensiveness of the Qur'an, everlasting quality of Qur'anic wisdom and knowledge (Ma'arif) , the wisdom of the interior discourse of the Qur'an, etc.
6. Indices to the demarcation between the exterior and the interior of the Qur'an , with two main trends: textual and contextual.
7. Conditions for approaching an understanding of the interiors of the Qur'an, such as the evolution of man's wisdom and knowledge , the purification of the inside , mystical joureny (wayfaring), and deliberation on the topics of the Qur'anic verses.