Ta'wil in Different Views

Document Type : Original Article



The term "Ta'wil" (allegorical interpretation) and depth of the concepts of the Holy Scriptures have throughout the history been researched and analysed by the followers of revealed religions and have prompted magnificent intellectual outcomes. In the field of Qur'anic research, howrver, ta'wil has enjoyed more serious and valuable discussions. The word "Ta,will" was brought up at the same time as the revelation of the Qur'an and developed along with the development of the religion and the emergence of religious schools and sects to the extend that it yielded a great intellectual heritage. In order to achieve a better interpretation, first the interpreters' data must be studied and organized on the basis of an acceptable method to lay the ground for a realistic judgement. This is what the present article has attempted to carry out.
It seems that all existing interpretational viewpoints are dividable in two theories: Text - oriented and paratext - oriented.
The former looks for Ta'wil in the literary indication of the Text and the latter in the farther reaches. The Mu'tazilites, the Sunnis, the Salafis and the experimentalists can be regarded as Text - oriented' and the Isma'ilites, the mystics as well as Allamah Tabataba'i are viewed among the second category. Each of these groups are , with their own methods , searching to find the truth of Ta'wil.