Retrospection on the Reality of Ta'wil

Document Type : Original Article



Regarding the vulnerability of the proposed definitions for ta'wil, reconsidering its reality is still a necessity. understanding ta'wil properly requires studying original Arabic language, considering the Qur'an's convention and the definition of ta'wil by tradition, which the present article is dealing with. It introduces tradition, instructibility, profundity, applicatory identity, Qur'an-inclusiveness, and separability from reveation as characteristics of ta'wil and considers the reality of "Divine Will" as the most appropriate meaning for ta'wil which sounds consistent with the Qur'an's lingual and conventional impression of ta'wil. Due to its unfamiliarity to man's mind and senses which is based on the principle of, "multifunctionality of the verses and of the Qur'an" , the reality of Divine Will is undestandable only through a comprehensive look at all verses of the Qur'an, and of course by taking into account all the opproaches pointed out in this article.