Hersch's Hermenutics and the Knowledge of Tafsir

Document Type : Original Article



Eric D. Hersch is one of the leading figures who have criticized the hermenutics of Heidegger , Gadamer and their advocates.
Although he is among the modern hermenutics scientists , he is more inclined toward "romantic hermenutics" which belongs to Schleiermacher and Dilthey. In this article, aimed to compare Hersch's hermentics viewpoints with those of the Qur'an researchers on the fundamentals of understanding the Qur'an, the writer has tried to clarify the similarities and differnces of Hersch's viewpoints and those of the interpreters on issues such as understanding the Texts, interpreting the Texts, judgement, criticizing and the purpose of Ta'wil, and then to answer the questions brought up on the purpose of Ta'wil. Also, as an introduction to the discussion on hermenutics, the writer gives a brief account of topics such as terminology of hermenitics' the reasons presented by the proponents and opponents of hermenutics and has responded to the opponents' reasons.