Fundamentals of Understanding Religious Texts from the perspective of Separation School

Document Type : Original Article



In this article, following a survey of the early factors of cognition and knowledge in tafkik school (separatism), fundamentals of understanding religious texts from the viewpoint of this school are delved into in two separate parts. The first part deals with the viewpoints of the ancient advocates of the school, and the second part with those of its modern followers or the neo-separatists. In the first part the following topics are included:
opening up a new chapter in interpretation of aql (intellect), negation of philosophical phenominology, distancing from traditionistic policy, the truth of science and intellect, distinction of sciences at the early stages of cognition, the method of cognition, problems and consequences, forbidden scientific and practical endeavor, God-orientedness in cognition and uderstanding the revelation by mental simplicity in the scientific void. In the second part of this article, first, in order to review the fundamentals of underatanding the revelation as viewed by neo-separatists, characteristics of intrinsic intellect such as direct reference to revelation, unsystematizability of intrinsic intellect and the consequence of its application are introduced, then ijtahad (independent reasoning) in its different meanings is studied, and finally it is concluded that, by negating the customary ijtahad on ma'arif, tafkik school accepts the two principles of reasoning and direct reference to the main texts and sources of religion and revelation in understaning the revealed Texts.
Quoting statements directly from the great figures of tafkik school in each of the above parts, the writer of this article has made some deliberations on the viewpoints of this school.