Proportion and Relation among Suras of the Qur'an

Document Type : Original Article



The issue of proprotion and relation among Suras of the Qur'an has been dealt with and proved and disproved in many tafsirs and other books on Qur'anic sciences, by interpreters and the Qur'an researchers. Following an analysis of different types of relation among the Suras , the writer here reviews four modes of relations in more details and brings up and criticizes the most important viewpoints accordingly.
The four modes mentioned above are as follows:
1. Topical relation between adjacent Suras.
2. The relation between the beginning of each Sura with the end of the previous ones.
3. Similarity of two Suras at the beginning and the end.
4. Saeed Hawwa's viewpoint in this regard which proves the topical unity of the Qur'an.