imam khomeini"s theological - quranic ideas

Document Type : Original Article



In this article, some of imam khomeini"s theological - quranic viewpoints are touched upon. the writer has, in each discussion, tried to evaluate imam"s viewpoint comparing other theologians.
although discussions in this article are limited to five main categories such as divine unity, prophecyk, justice, resurrectional, and imamate, within each topic different disscutions are brought up. regarding divine unity, issues such as ability of reas on to comprehend god, proof of human nature, divine will, divine words, devotional unity are reviewed. regarding justice, the issues discussed are the philosophy of evils, divine purposefulness, predestination and free will, and intercession. in the next category, i.e., resurrection, such as proof of resurrection, the qvality of resurrection, the reality of heaven and hell, and various kinds of heaven and hell are brought up. regarding prophecy, the issues discussed are philosophy of prophecy, philosoph y of difference between religious laws, and infallibility of prophets. and finally, the necessity of imamate is reviewed.