imam khomeini"s humanistic - quranic viewpoint

Document Type : Original Article



in this article, the writer deals with imam khomeini"s quranic viewpoints on man, and after stating reasons for the importance of this discussion and its impact an knowledge of religion, theosophy, and other human sciences, he examines imam"s views views about verses of story of adam (a.s) from humanistic point of view, especially adam"s sin as a predetermines plan in the most perfect "order of being". he, then, introduces imam"s viwepoint concerning the hidden (makhmura) and the veiled nature and the i mpact of each one on man"s becoming an animal of a human being. imam khomeini deems human nature upon entering the world as devoid of any potentiality in good or evil, and know it as among reason"s army and agents. the writer proceeds to deal with absolu te freedom in underlying and giving identity to his "self", and talks about the relation of this freedom with his (man"s) divine nature, as well as about the unboundedness of human existense and the mystical interpretatan of the verse concerning man"s be ing zalum (most crub el) and jahul (most ignorant) from the viewpoint of imam, and states the status of man in the order of creation and the features of perfect man. elucidation of the reality of soul; faculties, and the impact of each faculty on person ality: and the high value of soul faculties are among other topics in this article. in the end, imam khomeini"s views concerning man"s prosperity and misery, manner of the soul, and man"s relation with the world are introduced to the readers.