influences of reformist thinking on new exegeses

Document Type : Original Article



surveying the influences of reformist movement on writing exegeses in 14th century, the article examines backgrounds of reformist movements in exegesis in three sections: social, in-religious, and out-religious backgrounds, and debates religious reformis tsص inspiration from religious reformism in europe. by analyzing dimentions of reformist thought influencing the writing of exegeses in 14th century, the author enlists appearance of social-intellectual tendencies as well as lowering of traditional exege sis status; discouraging of exegetical utilization of revelation occasions (asbab-e-nuzul); avoidance of interpreting quranic ambiguities, changes in historical approach to the holy quran; keeping away from religious prejudice; paying more attention to secular philosophy of religion doctrine; quranic knowledge being regarded consistent; and finally, dealing with efficient topics and issues as among the most obvious influences of reformist thinking on writing exegeses in 14th century.