status and application of intellect in four recent exegesis

Document Type : Original Article



this article intends to test the degree of validity and the impact of intellect on comprehension of divine words and understanding and interpreting religious texts, and also to evaluate the way present century interpreters encounter with the intellect an d its application in interpretation of the quran. the author has ellaborated his attitude by reviewing four exegesis: al-mizan, al-manar, al-furqan, and fi zilalil-quran.
taking a glance at al-mizan, it could be found that in allamah’s view, the value of intellect and thought not only has a philosophical and demonastrative basis but is also rooted in quranci knowledge. however, allamah tries not to mingle philosophical to pics and terminology with the exegesis of the quran.
the authors of al-manar have, due to their social and political reformist positions and enmity with culture, had intellectualistic and scientistic inclinations.
the author of tafsir al-furqan believes that the intellect, in order to have a proper cognition, has to be sustained and enlighted by revelation, and revelation, in turn, requires intellect in order to settle in man’s mind and soul. in the meantime, the writer of tafsir fi zilal, through a critical view on intelectualism, finds his mission as setting more restraints upon the role of intellect in interpretaion of divine revelation.