cognition in the Quran from mutahari's viewpoint

Document Type : Original Article



gnosiology, or epistemology, is a branch of philosophy which studies man"s capability in knowing the reality and the way to attain it.
the present article, after a glance at the history of congnition, deals with the status and significance of this issue in martyr mutahari"s words and thought, and elaborates on his quranic outlook in this regard.
it goes on to survey the backgrounds and factors of fallacy and misleading of reason in cognition and the possibility of certainty in cognition. furthermore, tools for attaining cognition from the viewpoints of western thinkers and martyr mutahari are co mpared, and in the end issues such as absolutenes or relativity of truth, the relation of being true and being useful, the criterion of true cognition, etc., in the light of martyr mutahari"s quranic ideas, are discussed.