a glance at interpretive method of martyr mutahari

Document Type : Original Article



following a review of ustad mutahari’s interpretive works, his interpretive method is death with in this article and 18 features are mentioned in this regard, and for each one of them one or more examples from ustad’s words are given. the features mentioned include: attending to the interpretation of quran through quran, ijtahadi (discretional) and rational interpretation of the quran, making use of valid traditions, studying the history of each topic, attending to the goal (s) of each chapter, m ain and peripherial look at topical exegesis, division of a chapter into various parts, paying close attention to the key concepts of exegesis, studying of verses of ordinance having social tendency, taking advantage of modern scientific theories, statin g diferent viewpoints, impressionability from tafsir al - mizan, etc.