Abu moslem esfahani and his tafsir

Document Type : Original Article



abu moslem esfahani is a renowned jurist and theologian of the third century (a.h) and of the great men among the mu"tazilites, who has a high - ranking stautus in the exegesis of the quran. his exegetical work, though unavailable now, is well - k nown. this article delves into abu moslem’s scholarly personality and his tafsir, with reliance on the information and quotations from this tafsir remained in other sources. in other parts of this article, the degree to which other exegetes have taken ad vantage of abumoslem’s taffsir, his exegetical method, his criterion in exegesis, and exegetes" view on the words of abu moslem are toxched upon. furthermore, abu moslem’s famous outlook on abrogation, that is, unaccepting the abrogation in the quran, al ong with reasons and examples are brought up and; in some cases, are criticized. other parts of the article deal with abu moslem’s exactitude in language, and his view on quranic stories, denial of figurative expressions, and interpretation of t
he quran by personal opinion. in the end, contempraries of abu moslem among emegetes and quran researchers are briefly introduced in order to make the reader familiar with his era.