Logical-Monistic Explanation of Transcendental Philosophy of the Qur’ānic Justice (With an Emphasis on Verse 25 of Sūrat al-Ḥadīd)

Document Type : Original Article


This article has three Qur’ānic, philosophical, and logical aspects and thus, it is regarded as an interdisciplinary article. In its Qur’ānic aspect, while emphasizing on the case-study of verse 25 of Sūrat al-adīd, the result of full enumeration of the verses of the Qur’ān, which include the words equity (qis), justice, and their derivatives, is put into practical use. In view of the philosophical aspect, the monistic approach of Ṣadr al-Dīn Shīrāzī toward the stages of being is used as the research basis. The logical aspect of the research is explained according to the fuzzy system. In transcendental philosophy, the most perfect manifestation of human soul (nafs) will be fulfilled when the disposition of justice is maintained in all its faculties and concerns. Thus, the firm column of the innate aspect of the perfect man’s soul is justice. These philosophical-exegetical findings demand proper logical explanations. The Aristotelian-Avicennian logic does not have the power to explain this section of the findings of transcendental philosophy and the exegetical opinions corresponding to them. Therefore, the shortcomings of this logic are either to be compensated by completion and amendment or new developed and substituted should be thought of. In this article, an amended reading is brought up from the fuzzy system for a proper logical explanation of the abstract material truth of the soul, in such a way that no damage is done to the mother of dispositions (i.e., transmutation of the conjunction of two contradictions).