Causes for the Appearance of the Verses (Āyas) of Exceptions

Document Type : Original Article



All through the books of the Qur’ānic sciences and interpretation stands out a phenomenon called verses of exceptions (āyāt muthtathniyāt). The existence of a Madanī āya in a Makkī sūra and a Makkī āya in a Madanī sūra are called āyas of exceptions. This phenomenon is not supported by any narration and it showed up for the first time in a limited form in Maqātil b. Sulaymān’s interpretation in 2nd/8th century. Then, throughout the history of interpretation it was increased in number. Fabricated Revelation occasions, confusion between the lexical and connotative meanings of some words, incorrect interpretation of some parts of the phrases of the verses, and the confusion between the criteria for recognizing the Makkī from Madanī verses were among the most important causes for the appearance of the verses of exceptions. This research deals with disclosing the causes for the appearance of the verses of exception.