A Criticism on the Translation of the Qur’ān Verses in the first Volume of Tafsīr-i Nūr

Document Type : Original Article



Since translation is the simplest way for transferring the Qur’ānic teachings to non-Arab Muslims, the translation of this Revealed Book should be undertaken with due care and precision that it truly deserves; and for presenting a fluent and accurate translation, the linguistic structure and the morphological and syntactic rules are to be taken into consideration, as well. The translation of the verses in Tafsīr-i Nūr, is impressive, fluent, and in accordance with standard text and understandable for all of strata. Nevertheless, some failings such as negligence of morphological and syntactic structures, rhetorical points, etc. are observed in the translation. In this article, the translation of the verses are examined from the above-mentioned perspectives and, as per my capacity, a suitable translation of the verses is presented.