Study of “the Principle of Substitution” of Verbs in the Context of the Qur’ānic Verses

Document Type : Original Article



Examining some verses of the Holy Qur’ān would bring to notice the substitution of any of the past, present, and imperative forms of the verbs with the other. To deal with this morphological-rhetorical phenomenon, some learned scholars deem as permissible the existence and, indeed, the reference of the contrary verb to other verbs existing in the speech. Some others deal with interpreting the substituted verb to make it conform to other verbs existing in the speech. However, it seems that using a verb that does not conform to other verbs used in the verse or the total speech, contains a rhetorical point and denotation. For instance, reconciliation between two morphological meanings and denotations and the contextual denotation of the verb, emphasis on the occurrence of the substituted verb, sketching the verb in the present tense, and other rhetorical purposes, are attempted to address in this article.