‘Allāma Faḍl Allāh and the Interpretation of Qur’ān through Qur’ān

Document Type : Original Article



This writing explores into the exegetical style of Sayyid Muḥammad Ḥusayn Faḍl Allāh’s Min Waḥy al-Qur’ān. In the beginning of the research, this tafsīr is proved to be social and discretionary (ijtihādī) in terms of the semantics of the words īḥā’ (inspiration), istīḥā (drawing inspiration), and ḥarakiyya (dynamism), which have had a very fundamental role in recognition of the outstanding features of this book. The main discourses followed in this research include: pointing out the ‘Allāma’s viewpoint in the expressive style of the Qur’ān and its impact on the interpretation of Qur’ān through Qur’ān approach as well as presenting examples of Faḍl Allāh’s inspirational (istīḥā’ī) exegetical method and its differences with the ‘Allāma Ṭabāṭabā’ī’s exegetical procedure. A list of the particulars of ‘Allāma Faḍl Allāh’s exegetical method is given in the end of this article.