The Qur'an and the Training of Fiṭra (Inner Nature)

Document Type : Original Article



In this article, after a brief study of the status of fira (inner nature) and the innate sense in the ancient and more recent non-Islamic schools such as Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Christianity, and the intellectual trends after the age of enlightenment, the viewpoint of the Qur'ān is expounded in this respect. In this part of the article the Qur'ānic foundations of fira, the exuberant age of fira, reduction of fira efficiency, disappearance of the innate sense, and the mechanism of the intuition of fira are studied. Under the latter title are included such elements as effacing negligence, warning against dangers of distancing from fira, paying attention to the destiny of blind-hearted communities in the past, worship and expansion of servitude, safeguarding the heart, and enjoyment of an exemplar. The article is concluded with an exploration into the reflection of intuition under the three sub-topics of inspiration of the heart, truth-orientedness, and the vigilance and attaining the station of certitude.