Qur'an Therapy in the Balance of Criticism

Document Type : Original Article



Human health and well-being have been among the important concerns that have since long past preoccupied human mind and prompted him to fight against illnesses and think up remedies. In order to win over such a crucial issue, besides employing natural means and elements, man has considered pleading with assistance from the unseen world as well. However, sometimes due to negligence of metaphysical messages or insufficiently perceiving them, he has gone astray and fallen victim to the snares of superstition.
The beginning of ḥadīth fabrication in a period aiming at introducing the Qur'an as a wandering medicine man and an herbalist's shop intensified the instrumental and medicinal treatment of the Qur'an and made ridicule of the guiding role of the Divine Words.
How such fabricated traditions were made and found their way into ḥadīth books and warning against development of Qur'an therapy books in the Muslim community are among the discourses dealt with in this article.