Some Figures of Speech in the Qur'an

Document Type : Original Article



The present translated article addresses some figures of speech employed in the Qur'an. Figures of speech are generally divided into two categories; contrivances that due to the eye-catching arrangement of vocabulary (called strategies) highlight the meaning; and contrivances that due to application of vocabulary in non-conventional meanings (called allegories) reinforce the meaning. In light of this distinction, the rhetorical differentia and union, parallelism, the reverse observance of the similar, and envelope (ikhtitām) can be regarded as among the strategies; and personification, metonymy, synecdoche and vice versa, syllepsis (istikhdām), and zeugma can be regarded as among the allegories. However, this distinction is of importance in an academic level. What is important in reality is the purpose followed by applying these contrivances and the impact they create. The writer has shown in this research that the Qur'an's employment of literary techniques and imagery is important and the present article points out some of the potentials of the Qur'an's language which are open to discussion and study.