Yūsuf (A.S.), a Warrior in the Arena of Battle against the Carnal Self

Document Type : Original Article



There are indefinite beauties in the Revealed Words of Allah, as they are from the Unique Beautiful Creator and the Creator of beauty. Words, arrangement of discourses, the music of speech, and the profundity of Qur'anic meanings are not visual images to perceive with the eyes; rather, in any age and generation there ought to be some deep divers who may catch the unique pearls from the oysters of meaning and extract the genuine messages of the Revealed Verses.
In regard to the Sūra of Yūsuf, which contains the most beautiful story and whose literary and verbal techniques have multiplied its beauty a hundredfold, speech expanse has fallen short in its interpretation and the brevity of life of the interpreters has withheld them from any lengthy deliberation on it, to the extent that they have on occasions increased the ambiguities or have referred its exegetical questions to weak quotations or simply have been silent toward them.
Thus, in the first article on this approach, the beautiful terms rabbī (my Lord), hamma (longed for),and burhān (proof), which have been used in the most sensitive and momentous verses of the Sūra of Yūsuf, are searched into.