The Standard for Qur'anic Research

Document Type : Original Article



This article addresses the basic indicators for judging a research to be rated as Qur'anic. It is for the first time attempted hereby to devise and present an assessment form for the evaluation of a research claiming to be Qur'anic. Following a clarification of the concepts and definition of Qur'anic research, the three stages of investigations is studied and it is stated that the study of the extent to which a research is Qur'anic is primarily essential at the early stage of the research, that is the stage of devising the idea, thinking up the title, or elucidating the research issue or issues, since at this stage more than any other stages the research managers need to evaluate a research and realize it as being really Qur'anic, so that they can on that basis manage the research more accurately and effectively by allocating the required human and academic resources. The above-mentioned assessment form is arranged according to three main indicators and for every indicator a range of five grades is considered which is multiplied by the quotient of any of those indicators. The grading ranges from the lowest, i.e. zero, to the highest, i.e. twenty four, with an average of twelve, which is set to function as the least required grade for a research to be rated as Qur'anic. This assessment form is filled out by one or more Qur'anic research experts and the average grade is considered to be the final grade. Thus, it is expected that with the quantification of the relative degree of a research as being Qur'anic, the judgment would be made easier in this respect and the task-sharing would be carried out more accurately.