A Critical Review of the Translation of the Sūras of the Qur'an in Mafātīḥ al-Janān

Document Type : Original Article



One of the significant ways of conveying the meanings and the concepts of the Qur'an to the non-Arab speakers is through translation. The translation of the Qur'an, whether in its entirety or in part as in the supplication books, has to be correct and conforming to the standard prose in such a way that is worthy of this syntactic, morphologic and expressive phenomenon, and may somehow impress the reader. The translation presented by Astan Quds Razavi is rightfully impressive, fluent, and conforming to the standard prose; however, despite all endeavors, some drawbacks such as negligence of the morphologic, syntactic, and rhetorical structure, the indistinguishability of the translator's additives from the words of God, insertion of Arabic structures into the Persian language, inattention to the lingual features of Arabic and Persian, etc. are noticed in this translation. The present article examines the translation of the verses from the above points of view and as per the writer's capacity some translation is also provided.