Reasons for the Insufficiency of the Theory of Topical Unity of the Qur'an's Chapters

Document Type : Original Article



In the previous article titled "Topical Unity of the Verses of the Qur'an in the Balance of Criticism" (see: Qur'anic Research Quarterly, No. 54-55, p. 206), the weakness of the reasons for this theory was explained in detail. It can be added that besides the weakness of the reasons presented, there are other reasons and evidences that prove that attempts to maintain a single topic for all the chapters of the Qur'an is impossible. Among the reasons and evidences provided in this article are: the incompatibility of this theory with the style governing the Qur'an; lack of a reliable and comprehensive touchstone; difficulty of attaining a single inner purpose; lack reference to the Infallible Imams; comparison of the Qur'an with the current scientific books on the two fields of content and style; gradual Revelation of the verses of the Qur'an; the hazard of interpretation by personal opinion; and, diversity of views by the advocates of topical unity theory in determining the main inner purpose of the chapters.