The Qur'an, Government, and Cultural Development (Fundamentals, Approach, and Function)

Document Type : Original Article



In this article, the writer first deals with the conceptology of culture. Then, he delves into the reason for the global attention to human development and cultural development; and after that, he reviews the indifference or the moral responsibility of the governments. Along the same line, he goes on to talk about the role of religious rule (ḥukūma) explaining the viewpoint of political philosophy of religion in relation to the fundamentals and the necessity of ideological and moral education of the society as well as the strategic approaches researchable in the Qur'an. In this framework, he introduces the most significant duties of the ruler – as a caliph of God – and governments to be the education of society, and regards the spiritual influence of the administrators as a prerequisite for their success in the field of education. In the end, the writer addresses three approaches: cultural encounter and interaction; control through social boycott; and corporeal punishment for fulfillment of the responsibility for cultural education and cultural development.