Illustrative Features in the Qur'anic Books for Children

Document Type : Original Article



There are various ways for teaching the Holy Qur'an to children. One of the best ways for comprehending the concepts, subjects, and the stories of the Holy Qur'an is by using illustrations. With a survey of the age characteristics of primary school children, we find out that we can add up to the attractiveness of story telling and the children's interest in the subject of the story by means of painting and illustration. Besides, comprehension of concepts through illustration leaves deeper impact on the long-term memory than verbal expression.
Nowadays, most of the cultural institutes and Qur'anic centers utilize illustrative procedures for teaching the Qur'an to children but its application is not specialized and professional. In addition, the illustration of many of the educational books, journals, and digital programs of the Holy Qur'an have their own weaknesses.
Although principal application of illustration art can be increasingly appealing to children, its weak and non-professional expression may have irreparable damages to the child's soul and mind. With an examination of the weaknesses and strengths existing in the illustration of the Qur'anic books for children, the present article stresses the importance of a thorough revision and reconsideration of illustration in the Qur'anic books for children and regards it as significant in the process of teaching how to understand the Qur'anic themes.