A Survey of the Interpretation Aṭyab al-Bayān

Document Type : Original Article



Increase in the number of Qur'an interpretations in a similar style and context and with the same locution in the current century brings to mind, at the first glance, the existence of an equiponderance among them. The initiation and burnishing quality of critique and review has the art to reveal the outstanding features and deficiencies of each interpretation as compared to the other ones and guide the learned scholars and the researchers in their selection.
In this vein, the present research casts a glance at the interpretation Ayab al-Bayān, which was written by the Shī‘a jurist and interpreter, the late Ayatollah al-Sayyid ‘Abd al-Ḥusayn Ṭayyib Iṣfahānī in 14 volumes and published and reprinted in Tehran by Kūshānpūr Islamic Culture Foundation and Islām Publications in 1352, 1366, and 1378 Sh. (1931, 1987, and 1999 CE), respectively.
The earlier part of this research consists of the late interpreter's scholarly personality, exegetical tendency, writing style, as well as his exegetical and ideological viewpoints; then, the shortcomings overshadowing this writing are given an appraisal evaluation with the existing evidences in it.