Exegetical Methods from Mullā Ṣadrā's Point of View

Document Type : Original Article



Mullā Ṣadrā's exegetical work, from among his other works, enjoys a special privilege in his Qur'anic approach. Ṣadrā regards explicit narration and thorough intuition as two fundamental bases of interpretation; thus, he neither approves the inflexibility of terms nor neglecting it; rather, he believes while maintaining the external meaning, the evidences of the facts and the inner meanings are to be dealt with, as well. Mullā Ṣadrā divides exegetical methods into four main groups and regards the method adopted by those firmly grounded in knowledge (al-Rāsikhūn fī al-‘Ilm) as to be the right method; that is the method of those who have attained the truths of the Qur'an with the light of the Prophethood and Wilāyat, free from the excess of the philosophers and the neglect of the traditionists. Mullā Ṣadrā considers the Qur'an to be the manifestation of the world of existence, containing the realms of the visible and the invisible. To his opinion, the Qur'an is a written copy of the universe and the existence as the simulation of the Qur'an. Thus, the Qur'an is understood only by those endowed with understanding through intuitive knowledge.