The Qur'an and the Mother's Educative Role in Family

Document Type : Original Article



This research deals with the educative role of mothers in the family institution, starting with an introduction on women's three natural roles, i.e., daughter, wife, and mother, and concludes that the Qur'an highly praises women as mothers and, in division of duties between wife and husband, assigns to them the task of training and educating children. According to the writer, approaching this assignment by the Qur'an is possible in two ways. First, following the Qur'an's explicit enjoinments in assigning children's training to mothers, and second, the presentation of success stories of educative mothers through which three Qur'anic exemplar mothers, namely, mothers of Maryam, Jesus (A.S.), and Moses (A.S.) are pointed out.
In the end of the research, the writer proves that what is claimed to be the secret of the Qur'an's praising mothers is their major and crucial role in training children and the society's prospective generation.