An Exploration into "Contemplation" in the Qur'an

Document Type : Original Article



Tadabbur (contemplation) is a specific term that the Revealed Word of Allah has chosen exclusively for delving into the entire Qur'an and has no other function except in Qur'anology.
In the Qur'an sessions and sources as well as in the circles of exegesis, theology, and ethics there has been much talking of tadabbur and its roots, derivatives, and concept, but its conceptology in such equivalent terms as thinking, reasoning, tafaqquh (delving into fiqh), admonishing, foresight, and listening wholeheartedly to God's words have been frequently overlooked.
There are certain questions that have not received much attention so far: What status does each word or term have in the arrangement of the Revealed Word of Allah? To what known sense are they related in man's system of being? What meaningful relation is there among them? What role does each play in human soul and psyche? What similarities or difference does tadabbur have with its equivalents?
The present article answers these questions with evidences from the Qur'an and, in some cases, from the traditions and tries – to its capacity – to unveil the true meaning of tadabbur.